Erin Quinn
Over the last decade, the publishing industry has seen incredible changes which have opened doors to writers and provided opportunities never before imagined. But one thing has not changed: the quest by publishing professionals to find new talent and publish great books. The SDSU Writers Conference has been a partner in this endeavor for over 30 years and has a reputation for being the discovery grounds of countless authors who have gone on to make major book deals and become bestsellers.
In addition, the SDSU Writers Conference offers a holistic view of publishing — whether the writer chooses to pursue traditional or self-publishing as their medium. Workshops cover everything from craft to marketing to mistakes you don’t want to make. With the many opportunities writers have to get their work read, there come important decisions and steps — as well as mistakes — critical, career-ending mistakes — that new writers may not even know they’re making.
The 2017 conference will provide the educational foundation that every writer needs to navigate the waters of today’s publishing industry. From multimedia to high-concept fantasy to pop culture to mainstream fiction or children’s books, the SDSU Conference brings experts to the table. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking for answers to your publishing questions, the SDSU Writers Conference is where magic happens. Why not invest in your dreams and learn the skills you need to make them come true?
See you on January 20!
Erin Quinn
SDSU Writers’ Conference Director
For more information about the SDSU Writers’ Conference, visit neverstoplearning.net/writers>