Laura Preble
Laura Preble has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. Her Irish grandfather was a master storyteller, and she started writing to get praise from him. Preble is originally from Lima, Ohio, but has lived in San Diego since 1984.
“My first published book, Queen Geek Social Club, came out in 2004, and there were two more in the series, Queen Geeks in Love and Prom Queen Geeks. These were published by Penguin – I have two other novels, Lica’s Angel and my most recent, Out, that are also published,” Preble says.
Preble attended the SDSU Writers’ Conference a total of five times (2001-04, then 2010). She met her first editor at the SDSU’s Writers’ Conference, where she was encouraged to write Chick Lit for young adults after an advanced reading appointment. She adds, “I wrote 20 pages, sent it to her, and she gave me a contract for the first two books in the series. I also met two of the agents I’ve worked with at the conference. Plus, I learned a lot about how to pitch my work, how to have confidence, and generally just being around a bunch of writers is inspiring.”
Advice that Preble gives to conference first timers, “If you don’t have something ready, don’t make conference appointments. Do talk to people, and remember that agents and editors are there to make connections. Do not track people down in the bathroom. Also, really listen to what other people are saying. And, browse the book shop, there is great stuff there. The conference is a great way to make real-world connections you cannot otherwise make. It’s also fantastic for writers at any level. Professionals can get a lot out of it, and so can absolute newbies. It’s very well-organized, and things run on time. I’ve been to many where that was not the case. Presenters are helpful and relevant. The access to people in the industry is beyond helpful.”