Judith Sundquist
When and how did you first learn about the Osher Institute at SDSU?
I had heard about the Osher program long before I retired. I was attracted to its goal of lifelong learning.
What was the first class you took?
The first class I took was “Star Trek Culture and History.” My friends were not surprised since I have always been a Trekkie. What I liked even more was that the course was academically more rigorous than its title might imply and Osher students had immediate knowledge of the historical context since we have all lived through such interesting times.
What makes you keep coming back?
My interests are fairly wide-ranging, which fits well with the course offerings of the Osher Institute. I read to live, I love history, and Osher classes have allowed me to develop more knowledge in art, music and philosophy. I also love travel and exotic foods and cultures, which I get to explore through Osher Edventures. I am a lifelong film addict and, yes, Osher covers film too! I keep my plate pretty full doing things I never had time for when I was working.
Do you have a favorite Osher Institute anecdote or small-world moment to share?
My favorite small-world moment was at one of my grandchildren’s Saturday morning soccer games a few years ago when my son (a high school humanities teacher), my then-11-year-old granddaughter and I had a lively discussion about Eastern philosophies, which we were all exploring at the time. It was a big WOW moment for all of us.
What did you do before you retired?
I taught elementary school for 37 years and I’ve met many other teacher retirees through the Osher Institute as well as many people with differing life experiences. We all share our perspectives in our classes which make for a really rich stew that our instructors season with their own knowledge and backgrounds.
Would you recommend Osher Institute courses to others?
I do talk about the Osher program with my friends. One friend is taking a sampling of courses this summer at my suggestion. I even have friends who are near retirement age who tell me that they can’t wait to retire so they can take classes at the Osher Institute. I hope my husband will try an Osher class or two when he retires in two years.