Across the country, the repopulation of school campuses has begun. School buses are running their routes again and millions of masked children are returning to classrooms. Although it may appear to have returned to a bit of pre-pandemic normalcy, education has inarguably been changed since the last time kids were in classrooms. 

teacher with three students in masks

It also begs the question, what does the future of education look like?

Teacher leaders will be crucial in helping shape the future of education. COVID-19 forced teacher leaders to find new, innovative ways to teach in a new format. New systems, tools, and resources were developed to help students, teachers, and parents be successful. 

What trends in education and teacher leadership are ahead? Let’s take a look at a few key predictions for the future of education.


In terms of technology, there will be an increased time and instruction given to teachers on trending technology programs and software, according to an article by THE Journal. Professional development in these areas will be a priority across the board, from K-12 to higher education.

“From G Suite for Education to Zoom to social media, the possibilities are endless for increasing student engagement, classroom management and collaboration; but teachers need models for implementing these tools, and administrators should consider setting accountability goals for leveraging tech resources in education,” said April Willis, Director of Operations & Business Development for the National Virtual Teacher Association.

The article also highlights the focus educational leaders will have to put on connectivity and equal access. “Our nation will finally realize that connectivity is becoming as important to students’ education as their textbooks, and that we have to make sure that no student finds themselves without it ever again,” said Erik Heinrich, Former Director of Technology Infrastructure, San Francisco Unified School District. 

Inequality and Access 

The pandemic also illuminated the systemic inequality issues America’s education systems face. The differences between district to district and neighborhood to neighborhood demand attention and problem-solving as kids file back into the classroom. Teacher leaders across the country are working to find a solution for this national problem. 

“In 2021, we expect to see increased focus, funding, and fortitude in addressing these inequities. We’re seeing more organizations focus on racial justice in STEM, investigating pedagogy, curriculum, textbooks, assessments, grading, and more through a racial-equity lens and being willing not only to examine but to change practice,” said Forbes contributor Talia Milgrom-Elcott in this article.

Closing the Gap

While there are far more female teachers than male teachers, many women have not risen through the ranks to become educational leaders.

“Women make up a huge majority of American teachers, but their representation in administrative positions still lags,” writes Eileen McClory from Dayton Daily News, Ohio. 

“About 76% of teachers in the U.S. were women, according to a study from the National Center for Education Statistics, using data from the 2017-18 school year. But that study also found about 54% of school principals in the United States were women.”

School district leaders will be looking to hire more female leaders. An emphasis will also be placed on developing female and minority teachers with leadership qualities, and providing them with the professional development necessary to evolve into teacher leaders. 

About Our Program

The Master of Arts in Education, with an emphasis on Teacher Leadership, is designed for teachers who want to take on leadership roles in their school communities without sacrificing their impact in the classroom.

If you’re interested in taking the next step to grow your role on campus, SDSU Global Campus’ M.A. in Teacher Leadership is the place to start.