A bus driver opens their hand.

Known as “America’s Finest City,” San Diego is home to multiple ecosystems full of hidden gems. With an array of idyllic sites and breathtaking views, it can take years to check out each natural attraction. 

If you’re looking to get more in touch with nature, connect with like-minded individuals, and soak up the San Diego sun, you can join the crew from Osher at SDSU, accompanied by expert guides from San Diego Canyonlands, as they explore San Diego from peak to coast. 

The exploration will take off at 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, November 2, and costs $149, with water and refreshments provided. The event is open to any San Diego Osher member and the greater San Diego County public.

Click here to register for the From Peak to Coast excursion: https://gc.sdsu.edu/4dFsE2E

For more information, please email osher@sdsu.edu or call Osher at SDSU Program Coordinator Joni Conner at (619) 594-2360.

The day will start by heading inland and checking out the Volcan Mountain, a longstanding resource for humans and animals that call the San Diego region home. While there, you’ll get to admire the panoramic views at the Ramona Grasslands Preserve. The preserve is home to 408 plant species, roughly 200 animal species, and burrowing owl conservation sites. You may even be lucky enough to come face-to-face with one of the local critters. You’ll end the day by checking out the views at the San Dieguito Lagoon and wetlands. Unlike the wavy coast, the lagoon has calm water that fosters a safe habitat for wildlife. 

“One of the benefits of signing up for the bus tour is getting an educational opportunity, unavailable elsewhere, to experience the local landscape, flora, and fauna of San Diego County,” said Jessica Angell, director of Osher at SDSU. “Osher membership isn’t required to attend, so bring all your 18+ friends and family and support local nonprofits like Canyonlands and the Osher Institute together.”

In just one day, you’ll get to tour three iconic San Diego landscapes. You’ll get to enjoy: 

  • Moderate hikes. 
  • Interpretive guided tours illustrating plant and habitat features. 
  • Birding opportunities with provided binoculars. 
  • Lunch in a relaxing backcountry restaurant setting with your new friends.