With author and agent panels, workshops, networking opportunities, and direct feedback from industry professionals on manuscripts submitted by attendees, the SDSU Writers’ Conference has launched the careers of numerous writers who are now published authors:

Karen Keskinen, author, Blood Orange and SDSU Writers’ Conference Attendee – 2006, 2008, and 2011
Karen Keskinen
Shannon Messenger
Laura Preble
Monique Domovitch
Neal Griffin
Kathleen Krevat
Dan Hanlon
Steven E. Browne
Daniel O’Madigan Gribble
Robert Hoffman
Ruth Leyse Wallaceuth
Michael Robertson
Margaret Dilloway
Maria Ritter
Marjorie Hart
Mary Castillo
If you’re a writer with a dream, get one step closer to becoming a writer with an agent by attending the SDSU Writers’ Conference.
Through a wealth of invaluable information, you’ll shave years off the learning curve on both your writing skills and your strategy for getting published. You’ll also have three days of networking opportunities with top-tier industry professionals.

Jonathan Maberry New York Times Best-selling Author

Chip MacGregor, Literary Agent, MacGregor Literary Inc.
Keynote speakers are New York Times best-selling, multi-genre author Jonathan Maberry, a four-time Bram Stoker Award winner and zombie expert; and Chip MacGregor, literary agent and president of MacGregor Literary Inc., a full-service, West Coast literary agency. Maberry will draw on his experiences as a published writer since 1978 to share how optimism and business savvy trump fear and negativity; MacGregor will share his perspective on how authors, editors and agents fit into the changing world of publishing.
Each year, more than 300 attendees come from all over the U.S. and as far away as Japan, South America, and Switzerland to pursue their literary dreams and benefit from the conference’s groundbreaking 1:1 appointments with editors and agents.