A woman working on computer code.

Whether we use them for work, socialization, or entertainment, we all use computers daily. If you’re looking to enter the industry of computer engineering, you can play an essential role in helping people research, work, and communicate with others instantaneously. 

Computer engineers are responsible for developing and testing computer systems and components. Some of their typical tasks include: 

  • Designing and testing new hardware 
  • Analyzing test results and making modifications as needed 
  • Updating existing computer systems in correlation with new software 
  • Overseeing the computer hardware manufacturing process 

At SDSU Global Campus, you can earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer engineering in as little as five semesters. Dean and Department Chair of the College of Electrical and Computer Engineering Eugene Olevsky and Professor Chris Mi said both degree programs are ideal for students with families, full-time jobs, or other obligations.

“The program will benefit students working full-time, part-time, caring for a family, or who need frequent travel for work” the instructors said. “The flexible online classes enable them to take the course anytime, anywhere, and at their pace.” 

With more than 5,300 annual job opportunities for computer engineers expected over the next decade, now is the prime time to enter the industry. 

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering 

While finishing your Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, you will learn from seasoned professionals via a hybrid learning format consisting of online courses and in-person, hands-on lab experiences. To earn your bachelor’s in computer engineering, you will need to complete:  

  • 33 upper-division course units
  • 15 elective units 
  • 3 writing proficiency units 
  • 3 cultural diversity units 
  • 3 humanities units 
  • 3 ethnic studies units 

While enrolled in courses, you will learn about software development, computer programming, information security, database architecture, and more. You will finish your degree with an increased knowledge of the development process, manufacturing, and installation of computer systems and components. 

Furthermore, our curriculum includes both theory and practice of computer engineering. Therefore, you will get to study elements of computer engineering that specifically affect the growth of technology. These elements include: 

  • Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI) 
  • Multimedia systems 
  • Embedded systems 
  • Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 
  • Computer networks 
  • Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 

Whether you’re looking to find work as a computer engineer or preparing for a master’s degree, our degree completion program can help you achieve your goals.     

Master of Science in Computer Engineering 

If you’re looking for an executive or senior-level position, our Master’s in Computer Engineering can help you make that a reality. You will learn from renowned lecturers that are a part of SDSU’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering via an online format. To earn your master’s degree, you will need: 

  • 30 units of 500, 600, and 700-level courses
  • A minimum of 15 units of 600 and 700-level courses 
  • A maximum of 15 units of 500-level courses 

While earning your master’s, you will learn how to conduct research as a team, disseminate research results, effectively communicate designs and concepts, analyze scholarly research, and more. Additionally, you will get to choose between two plans of study. 

Plan A consists of a research-driven thesis. If you choose this plan, you will get to present your thesis to your advisor and two additional faculty members. This plan is best suited for students looking to pursue a doctoral degree. 

Plan B consists of a hands-on project demonstrating your expertise and progress throughout the semester. Once you complete your project report, you will get to present it to your advisor and one additional faculty member from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 

Popular Job Descriptions 

Earning a degree in computer engineering can lead to various career paths and opportunities. According to Indeed, an online platform dedicated to outlining job opportunities, these are some of the many careers available for computer engineering graduates: 

  1. Computer Systems Analyst: As a computer systems analyst, you are responsible for helping your company use technology correctly. You will also conduct cost-benefit analyses, implement new technology solutions, create instruction manuals, and continuously research relevant software and hardware. The average annual salary for this position is $82,278.
  2. Information Systems Manager: If you choose to become an information systems manager, your primary duty will be overseeing your company’s computer systems and implementing technology that impacts your company’s workflow. Some other responsibilities include scheduling upgrades and security backups, managing technical crises, and ensuring users adhere to software licensing laws. The average annual salary for this position is $91,642.
  3. Information Security Analyst: As an information security analyst, you are responsible for preserving the secrecy and security of digital data for your company. You will also protect your company’s information and computer networks from malware, viruses, cyber-attacks, and hackers. Some other duties include investigating security breaches, educating others on security breaches, and creating emergency plans that can store or recover data. The average annual salary for this position is $92,672. 
  4. Software Developer: If you decide to become a software developer, your primary duty is to design, construct, and test different kinds of software for various applications. You will be responsible for creating flowcharts and models that depict how to code for select software. Some other responsibilities include working with programmers, assessing new and existing software, and consulting clients and fellow professionals for feedback on developing software. The average annual salary for this position is $93,963.
  5. Firmware Engineer: As a firmware engineer, you are responsible for developing and implementing software for industry-specific systems and applications. Some other duties include making instructional manuscripts for firmware operation, evaluating and validating system performance, and troubleshooting issues. The average annual salary for this position is $110,258. 

Earning a degree in computer engineering can lead to new and exciting career adventures. Sign up today, earn your degree, and learn what feats you can take on as a computer engineer.